„Electric Castle” se va numi „April Fools’ Festival”

PIC BY MICK GALLAGHER / CATERS NEWS - (Pictured A Wild Burro in Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area) Whats so funny? This mule clearly found something hilari-ASS when he got up close to one photographer. The wild burro - which bears a striking similarity to Donkey from the Shrek movies - was captured on camera by wildlife photographer Mick Gallagher - who spent months trying to get close to the group. And when one animal finally decided to pose for the camera, it seems he found something to smile about - with hilarious results. Mick, 42, who has been working as a professional photographer after he was made redundant from his marketing job during the economic downturn, has tried to build a bond with the animals, which roam in the Red Rock Conservation Area, Nevada. SEE CATERS COPY.

„Ne-am hotărât. Numele festivalului va fi April Fools’ Festival, asta în cazul în care nu v-ați prins încă”, scrie Marian Vanca pe pagina sa de Facebook.

Postarea vine după ce în cursul zilei de vineri, 1 aprilie, acesta a făcut o glumă pe blogul său personal (www.marianvanca.com) anunțând că intenționează să organizeze, împreună cu fratele său, Andi Vanca, un festival mai tare decât „Electric Castle” de la Bonțida (județul Cluj).

Andi Vanca este co-organizator al renumitului festival „Electric Castle”.

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