L-a lovit cu hârlețul în spate

TO GO WITH AFP STORY IN FRENCH BY PATRICK FORT** La vie de souffrance d'Abacar Boucar, paysan du lac Tchad** Barefoot, Chad's farmer Abacar Boucar 50, uses  a makeshift shovel on his plot of land near Bol on the Chad Lake on December 8,2009. In less than 30 years, Lake Chad has shrunk from 25,000km2 to 8,000km2 today. Some 25 million people still live around the basin, many looking out on grounded boats and barren land which was once under water. The lake is less than seven metres deep. Its size has always fluctuated throughout the seasons, but over the past four decades it has become progressively smaller.          AFP  PHOTO   PATRICK FORT
TO GO WITH AFP STORY IN FRENCH BY PATRICK FORT** La vie de souffrance d’Abacar Boucar, paysan du lac Tchad**
Barefoot, Chad’s farmer Abacar Boucar 50, uses a makeshift shovel on his plot of land near Bol on the Chad Lake on December 8,2009. In less than 30 years, Lake Chad has shrunk from 25,000km2 to 8,000km2 today. Some 25 million people still live around the basin, many looking out on grounded boats and barren land which was once under water. The lake is less than seven metres deep. Its size has always fluctuated throughout the seasons, but over the past four decades it has become progressively smaller. AFP PHOTO PATRICK FORT

În prima zi de Paşte (duminică, 1 mai) în jurul orei 17.30, Florin C. din Borleşti, a reclamat faptul că a fost bătut de către un consătean. Agresorul l-a lovit cu un hârleț în spate, după care i-a distrus două mașini.

Deplasându-se la faţa locului, poliţiştii au stabilit că reclamantul, pe fondul unor neînțelegeri mai vechi şi al consumului de alcool, a fost lovit în zona spatelui cu un hârleţ de către Elemer B., tot din Borleşti.

După incident, bătăușul a urmărit victima până în zona casei acestuia, unde, cu același hârleț a distrus două mașini ale victimei. Uneia dintre mașini i-a spart parbrizul iar celeilalte toate geamurile, cauzându-se un prejudiciu de aproximativ 2.200 de lei.

În prezent cercetările continuă sub aspectul săvârşirii infracţiunilor de „lovire sau alte violențe” şi „distrugere”.

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